6th Pacific Urban Forum September 5-7, 2023 - Podcasts
The Pacific Urban Forum (PUF) seeks to accelerate the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals through multi-stakeholder partnerships. EAROPH was a partner in the 6th PUF, held in Suva, Fiji.
EAROPH Australia was there to share and show our continued commitment to not only the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs but also the Pacific Urban Partnership, as one the key partners. Our support becomes ever more pressing as we need to collectively address the disproportionate impacts that climate change is having on our Pacific neighbours.
It was also an opportunity to further the reach and partnerships for the The Yidinji Declaration in favour of an Indigenous Climate Justice Charter that started at the Climate Justice Workshop in Cairns, earlier in 2023.
EAROPH engaged arts Nexus Studio to capture some of the knowledge and insights of the participants at the PUF, a record of what was discussed directly from the people that lead the conversation. Enjoy these podcasts, we hope they give you a glimpse of what it was to be at the 6th PUF and inspire you to reflection and, hopefully, take positive action.
The Pacific Urban Forum (PUF) seeks to accelerate the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals through multi-stakeholder partnerships. EAROPH was a partner in the 6th PUF, held in Suva, Fiji.
EAROPH Australia was there to share and show our continued commitment to not only the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs but also the Pacific Urban Partnership, as one the key partners. Our support becomes ever more pressing as we need to collectively address the disproportionate impacts that climate change is having on our Pacific neighbours.
It was also an opportunity to further the reach and partnerships for the The Yidinji Declaration in favour of an Indigenous Climate Justice Charter that started at the Climate Justice Workshop in Cairns, earlier in 2023.
EAROPH engaged arts Nexus Studio to capture some of the knowledge and insights of the participants at the PUF, a record of what was discussed directly from the people that lead the conversation. Enjoy these podcasts, we hope they give you a glimpse of what it was to be at the 6th PUF and inspire you to reflection and, hopefully, take positive action.
EAROPH Pacific Islands chapter - a conversation with Betty Alupian:
Habitat for Humanity New Zealand - a conversation with Losalini Nalawa and Katrina Mau:
R.I.S.E Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments - a conversation with Isoa Vakarewa:
R.I.S.E Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments - a conversation with Isoa Vakarewa:
SPC and Fiji Government fisheries - a conversation with Pita Loloma:
Copyright © 2024 EAROPH Australia
EAROPH Australia is the Australian Chapter of the Eastern Regional Organisation for Planning and Human Settlements
EAROPH Australia is the Australian Chapter of the Eastern Regional Organisation for Planning and Human Settlements